Alexander Kanevsky Writer, SOCIAL LODGE Platinum Sponsor, Sundance Film Festival 2013, originally uploaded by Real TV Films.
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Alexander Kanevsky, SOCIAL LODGE Platinum Sponsor, Sundance Film Festival 2013.
Dr. Alexander Kanevsky’s artistic style is a fusion of the high renaissance art of Michelangelo and Da Vinci. Kanevsky’s male figures are highly evocative of Michelangelo. Kanevsky’s paintings also evoke the romanticism of William Blake, the surrealism of Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali and Edward Burro, Fauvist impressionism and German expressionism — all with a modern and wholly visionary slant. Kanevsky’s visual signature is one of deeply-pigmented colors that indicate multiple applications of paint, and short brushstrokes. Given his multi-disciplinary talents and skills, Doctor Alexander Kanevsky is undoubtedly a modern-day Renaissance Man. Artistically; his creative corpus contains works of various sizes. However, many are expansive, multi-layered compositions, strong on symbolism and of a broad and far-reaching range of subject matter that serve to demonstrate Dr. Kanevsky’s multi-dimensional character.