About RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez

Digital Creator and founder of RealTVfilms

Retire My Room , Bronwyn's Kitchen, Hosted by Algerita Wynn

2020-06-20T00:29:50+00:00June 4th, 2013|Public Relations|

An unscripted weekly web-series; Retired Senior homeowners will retire an old outdated room in their house and receive a newly functional space. Each week will feature a new homeowner,new challenges and a new design team [...]

Gordon Vasquez, Kellie Koppel, Stacey Barker, Michelle Lepire, SPONSOR I.C.O.N Products, Playground Politix Film Fundraiser

2020-06-20T00:29:50+00:00June 2nd, 2013|Playground Politix Film Fundraiser|

Gordon Vasquez, Kellie Koppel, Stacey Barker, Michelle Lepire, SPONSOR I.C.O.N Products, Playground Politix Film Fundraiser, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. PHOTOS from PLAYGROUND POLITIX – Click Here Via Flickr: VIDEO PLAYLIST Playground Politix Film [...]

Stacey Barker, Gordon Vasquez, Michelle Lepire, Kellie Koppel, SPONSOR I.C.O.N Products, Playground Politix Film Fundraiser

2020-06-20T00:29:49+00:00June 2nd, 2013|Playground Politix Film Fundraiser|

Stacey Barker, Gordon Vasquez, Michelle Lepire, Kellie Koppel, SPONSOR I.C.O.N Products, Playground Politix Film Fundraiser, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. PHOTOS from PLAYGROUND POLITIX – Click Here Via Flickr: VIDEO PLAYLIST Playground Politix Film [...]