About RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez

Digital Creator and founder of RealTVfilms

Gerard Butler, Rosanna Duduyan, Chasing Mavericks Premiere

2020-06-20T00:05:50+00:00October 19th, 2012|Chasing Mavericks Premiere|

Gerard Butler arrives at the Chasing Mavericks Premiere, The Grove LA SYNOPSIS: When young Jay Moriarty discovers that the mythic Mavericks surf break, one of the biggest waves on Earth, exists just miles from his […]

DR. BETTINA WOLF. PSY.D. — CoFounder / Vice President of the ARTIVIST FILM FESTIVAL

2020-06-20T00:05:47+00:00October 16th, 2012|Loyal Studios CANON EOS DEMO C500|

DR. BETTINA WOLF. PSY.D. — CoFounder / Vice President of the ARTIVIST FILM FESTIVAL chats with Tia Barr at the CANON EOS DEMO at Bob Bekian’s Loyal Studios in Burbank.

Christy Lee Hughes, Kevin Walsh, Bel Air Film Festival 2012

2020-06-20T00:05:45+00:00October 13th, 2012|Bel Air Film Festival 2012|

Christy Lee Hughes, Kevin Walsh, Bel Air Film Festival 2012 Christy Lee Hughes, Kevin Walsh, Bel Air Film Festival 2012, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via Flickr: SUBSCRIBE * LIKE * FOLLOW FOR IMMEDIATE […]

Johanna Watts, Kevin Walsh, Christy Lee Hughes, Sarah Gurfield, Bel Air Film Festival 2012

2020-06-20T00:05:44+00:00October 13th, 2012|Bel Air Film Festival 2012|

Johanna Watts, Kevin Walsh, Christy Lee Hughes, Sarah Gurfield, Bel Air Film Festival 2012 Johanna Watts, Kevin Walsh, Christy Lee Hughes, Sarah Gurfield, Bel Air Film Festival 2012, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via […]