Dustin Fairbanks, Director Warning Shot
Dustin Fairbanks Chats with RealTVfilms Tia Barr about his time on set and working with David Spade and the entire cast. ” #DavidSpade actually came out of his trailer and said hello to everyone .. [...]
Dustin Fairbanks Chats with RealTVfilms Tia Barr about his time on set and working with David Spade and the entire cast. ” #DavidSpade actually came out of his trailer and said hello to everyone .. [...]
#NikiKoss gives up a tiny spoiler about her character “Notta Chance” and also her Short Film she just directed “THEN & NOW” starring Sterling Beaumon & Madeline Carroll #WarningShot – Warning Shot Red Carpet Premiere [...]
#SteveEastin – Badass and dropping a few credits as he has fun with Actress Tia Barr at the premiere. Steve Eastin Studio #WarningShot – Warning Shot Red Carpet Premiere Writer’s Guild Theater RealTVfilms Host Tia [...]
Robert Johnson Producer of Warning Shot and an actor talks about the town Corsicana, Texas where the was the Police Chief for 26 years Corsicana Police Department . Robert has been in the industry for [...]
Dustie Hale chats up her experience on set with Tammy Blanchard #WarningShot Red Carpet Premiere Writers Guild Theater #RealTVfilms Host Tia Barr PR – #NadineJolson / #JolsonCreative NATIONAL THEATRICAL AND VOD Release September 14, 2018 [...]
#WarningShot Producers Aimee Ng & Spero Dean Stamboulis / give us the scoop on David Spade first dramatic role and the excellent acting by Tammy Blanchard . These producers were on set every day and [...]
Onata Aprile who plays Tammy Blanchard ‘s Daughter in #WarningShot gives RealTVfilms host Tia Barr her feelings while working on this film. PR – #NadineJolson / #JolsonCreative NATIONAL THEATRICAL AND VOD Release September 14, 2018 [...]
Tammy Blanchard co-star in #WarningShot chats up her character and working with David Spade on the Red Carpet Premiere Writer’s Guild Theater RealTVfilms Host Tia Barr PR – Nadine Jolson / Jolson Creative NATIONAL THEATRICAL [...]
#DavidSpade #WarningShot Movie Premiere Audrey (Tammy Blanchard), a single mother to daughter, Cheyenne (Onata Aprile) is trapped in a constant struggle to make ends meet. When her grandfather passes away, she inherits the family’s farm-house, [...]
Tony Potts , Shalini Vadhera Potts discuss Film, Beauty Products and the excitement of #PaulSorvino receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award. PR #GothamChandna / #NicoleMuj #RealTVfilms Host Laila Lopez Legendary Actor #PaulSorvino to Receive Lifetime Achievement [...]