Farhan Thawar, Xtreme Labs, Jugnoo, UnoMomento, Lynn Maggio

2020-06-19T23:59:31+00:00March 14th, 2012|SXSW2012|

Farhan Thawar chats with Lynn Maggio of RealTVfims during SXSWi at the Jugnoo Studio about Xtreme Labs and the new Jugnoo product UnoMomento. ABOUT JUGNOO Jugnoo™ | joognoo| means firefly in Sanskrit, symbolizing light from [...]

Jugnoo, Mark D'Cunha , SXSW 2012 , Lynn Maggio, Social Media Lodge

2020-06-19T23:59:30+00:00March 14th, 2012|SXSW2012|

Mark D’Cunha , EVP of Jugnoo stops by the Social Media Lodge Jugnoo Set during SXSW 2012 to chat with RealTVfilms Host Lynn Maggio. Jugnoo free solutions provide members with access to the most effective [...]