South By Southwest 2012, SXSW 2012 Social Media Lodge
South By Southwest 2012, SXSW 2012 Social Media Lodge
South By Southwest 2012, SXSW 2012 Social Media Lodge
SPA DE SOLEIL – MOBILE GIFTING WRAP UP – SXSW 2012 El Segundo, CA (March 13, 2012) Spa De Soleil, Gift Bag Sponsor for RealTVfilms and the Social Media Lodge during SXSW 2012 (South by [...]
Mark D’Cunha , EVP of Jugnoo stops by the Social Media Lodge Jugnoo Set during SXSW Interactive 2012 to chat with RealTVfilms Host Lynn Maggio. Jugnoo free solutions provide members with access to the most [...]
Jenny Fielding stop in the Social Media Lodge during the SXSW (South By Southwest Interactive, Film and Music festival) to chat about her APP called Wenzani . RealTVfilms Host Lynn Maggio chats about Jugnoo with [...]
Aaron Cacali from Brunner Advertising Agency stops by the Social Media Lodge during SXSW 2012 to chat with ReaTVfilms Host Lynn Maggio. Brunner is a top US advertising & interactive agency that creates powerful solutions [...]
Jungoo offers free solutions to it’s members and provides access to the most effective social web technology available via our easy-to-use platforms. Jungoo helps them make a powerful impact by sharing social media best practices [...]
Larry Richman stops by the Social Media Lodge during SXSW (South by Southwest Interactive, Film , Music Festival) to answer a few questions from Lynn Maggio about JUGNOO, the social web marketing platform for everyone. [...]
Just Rosy, Elly Stefanko, HUFF Movie,Alive Expo, Project Green, Oscars Gifting Suite, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via Flickr: SUBSCRIBE * LIKE * FOLLOW RealTVfilms PHOTOS Elly Stefanko, Actress "HUFF" Alive Expo, Project [...]