Shajen Joy Aziz, Discover The Gift Documentary , The Story

2020-06-19T23:57:28+00:00October 9th, 2011|Discover The Gift|

SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW Shajen Joy Aziz “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary exploring the idea that each individual on earth is given a unique Gift, a purpose in one’s life that is always seeking to express [...]

Shajen Joy Aziz, Demian Lichenstein, Discover The Gift

2020-06-19T23:57:26+00:00October 9th, 2011|Discover The Gift|

SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW Shajen Joy Aziz “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary chats about orking with her brother Demian Lichenstein while exploring the idea that each individual on earth is given a unique Gift, a purpose [...]