Mindi Abair, KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival , Mission Viejo . RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez2014-05-28T09:39:15+00:00May 28th, 2014|KSBR Birthday Bash 2014| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts VIDEO 2014 KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival and Taste of the Bash VIDEO 2014 KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival and Taste of the Bash Slim Man Manicotti, KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival Slim Man Manicotti, KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival Ron Tamez , Hamilton Oaks San Juan Winery, KSBR 88.5FM Birthday Bash Ron Tamez , Hamilton Oaks San Juan Winery, KSBR 88.5FM Birthday Bash Melissa Manchester, KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival , Mission Viejo Melissa Manchester, KSBR Birthday Bash Jazz Festival , Mission Viejo