Moments Of Clarity Film, David J. Phillips realtvfilms: David J. Phillips, Social Lodge @SETonKing Presented by Karyzma Agency on Flickr. . RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez2014-09-24T08:52:57+00:00September 24th, 2014|TIFF2014| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Steve Adams, Vinca Jarrett, Show Me the Fucking Money Web Series Steve Adams, Vinca Jarrett, Show Me the Fucking Money Web Series Jerry Sokoloski, Social Lodge, TIFF 2014, Toronto International Film Festival Jerry Sokoloski, Social Lodge, TIFF 2014, Toronto International Film Festival Ed Hartley, Social Lodge, TIFF 2014 Ed Hartley, Social Lodge, TIFF 2014 Amie DiCarlo, Artemis Boutique, Social Lodge TIFF2014 Amie DiCarlo, Artemis Boutique, Social Lodge TIFF2014 Leslie Rivas, EYAA, Social Lodge TIFF 2014 Leslie Rivas, EYAA, Social Lodge TIFF 2014