Shari Puorto, Christy Johnson, LA Music Awards 2010 Shari Puorto, Christy Johnson, LA Music Awards 2010 RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez2020-06-19T23:51:18+00:00December 27th, 2010|LA Music Awards 2010| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Samantha Gutstadt, John Enghauser, LA Music Awards 2010 Samantha Gutstadt, John Enghauser, LA Music Awards 2010 ADRIANO APONTE, the 20th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards ADRIANO APONTE, the 20th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards Zoe Scott, LA Music Awards 2010, RealTVfilms Zoe Scott, LA Music Awards 2010, RealTVfilms Sarah McMullen, LA Music Awards 2010, Samantha Gutstadt Sarah McMullen, LA Music Awards 2010, Samantha Gutstadt Gonzalo De la Torre, LA Music Awards 2010, Samantha Gutstadt Gonzalo De la Torre, LA Music Awards 2010, Samantha Gutstadt