Demian Lichtenstein, Discover The Gift, The Gift Of Love
Demian Lichtenstein , Director, Writer of “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary describes to Christy Lee Hughes that to discover is the find the answer and that is “The Gift Of Love”
Demian Lichtenstein , Director, Writer of “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary describes to Christy Lee Hughes that to discover is the find the answer and that is “The Gift Of Love”
SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW Shajen Joy Aziz “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary chats about orking with her brother Demian Lichenstein while exploring the idea that each individual on earth is given a unique Gift, a purpose […]
SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW Discover The Gift, a set on Flickr. Via Flickr: SUBSCRIBE * LIKE * FOLLOW PHOTOS Demian Lichtenstein , Director, Writer of "Discover the Gift" feature-length documentary chats about taking 4 years […]
SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW Demian Lichtenstein , Director, Writer of “Discover the Gift” feature-length documentary and sister, Shajen Joy Aziz share the idea that each individual on earth is given a unique Gift, a purpose in […]