Omar Akram, Album Release Party, H.O.M.E House of Music and Entertainment, 430 North Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, October 30th, 2013
Beverly Hills (October 30th, 2013) – Critter Sitters LA will be sponsoring the RealTVfilms coverage with Comedian and Host Traci Stumpf for the Grammy Winner Omar Akram’s Album Release Party at H.O.M.E (House Of Music [...]
Traci Stumpf, Omar Akram, John Legend, Womens Campaign International (WCI) Event
Traci Stumpf, Omar Akram, John Legend, Womens Campaign International (WCI) Event, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via Flickr: DG Salon Beverly Hills WCI Los Angeles with John Legend VIDEO PLAYLIST SUBSCRIBE * LIKE * [...]