Those Girls and Aiden Simko Those Girls, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via Flickr: That Limo RealTVfilms Gordon Vasquez2020-06-20T00:03:49+00:00July 2nd, 2012|BET Awards Pre Party by KGPR| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts POST PRESS RELEASE: BET Awards Pre Party VIDEO Recap, Karlie Redd, Freeway Rick Ross, RealTVfilms, Tia Barr, Sponsor Producer Bob Bekian Gallery POST PRESS RELEASE: BET Awards Pre Party VIDEO Recap, Karlie Redd, Freeway Rick Ross, RealTVfilms, Tia Barr, Sponsor Producer Bob Bekian Ricky Donnell Ross, Freeway Rick Ross, Ricky Ross, BET Awards Pre Party, KGPR Ricky Donnell Ross, Freeway Rick Ross, Ricky Ross, BET Awards Pre Party, KGPR Gordon Vasquez, Stacey Barker, Jade Umbrella, Rose Courvoisier, Courvoisier Cognac , BET Awards Pre Party by KGPR Gordon Vasquez, Stacey Barker, Jade Umbrella, Rose Courvoisier, Courvoisier Cognac , BET Awards Pre Party by KGPR BET Awards Pre Party, KGPR, Hollywood Hills hosted by Karlie Redd BET Awards Pre Party, KGPR, Hollywood Hills hosted by Karlie Redd