An interview with the talented and powerful French actress, Thais Kirby.

An interview with the talented and powerful French actress, Thais Kirby.

Every now and then an actress will capture audiences hearts and become an instant success with her work. The beautiful and talented Thais Kirby is one of them. We recently spoke to her about her upcoming projects and most favorite roles to play. Here is what she had to say:
Please introduce yourself to the readers and how and when did you first get into performing?
My name is Thaïs Kirby. I am French and was born in Paris. I am an actress currently living in NYC. I got into performing because when I was a child, my mother played music and had a passion for it. I also was surrounded with people who were musicians so it was natural that I asked my mother to take music classes. I started with learning music theory when I was 6, in a very classic school and a year after, I started violin. I then went to another music school that was a little less conservative. Then, a couple of years later, I saw a jazz performance. I was really impressed by the people that were in the band, they were pretty cool. So, I started to take saxophone lessons. This conservatory school also offered acting and singing classes. Little by little, I signed up for all those classes and ended up spending hours there, almost every day, after my days at secondary school and high school. At around 16 years old, I decided that theater was what I loved the most and what I wanted to do as a living and that’s when the real journey began…
Who were some of your biggest inspirations?
A lot of the people that I met in my life, either my friends, my teachers, my close ones or people who just crossed my path for a certain period of time, inspired me to keep working harder and stay humble towards the craft.
What kind of training have you had, if any?
I received music and acting training from my childhood. After high school, I went to acting schools in Paris that offered a more professional training. There, I deepened my improvisation skills as well. I acquired classical training by working on plays written by Molière, Racine, Marivaux, Corneille and Shakespeare. However, it’s only when I came to NYC to do the Two Year Conservatory Program at The Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, I felt that I started to understand something about acting. Here, I was trained by amazing teachers that were very supportive as well, but also demanding. For two years, I would be on stage almost every day and took advantage of the chance that I had to be trained in such an amazing school and took as many risks and worked as hard as possible.
What has been your favorite role to play so far?
I just finished shooting a short film directed by Stephanie Bollag. I was playing an Orthodox Jewish woman who leaves her husband for one day and confronts herself to a world she doesn’t know. It was an amazing experience and for the first time in my life, I felt I wasn’t type-cast but chosen based upon my acting skills, exclusively.
What has been one of your biggest achievements in your career so far?
I am very happy that throughout my ‘acting journey’, I kept challenging myself and going beyond my limits. This is an endless process and I wouldn’t speak in terms of achievements but more about challenges to take on that make you grow. Coming to New York, learning English (which I didn’t speak before) and a year and a half later getting a role as Yelena in Uncle Vanya by Chekhov was a pretty big challenge that I learned a lot from.
What projects do you have coming up?
I will be in San Francisco for a short film directed by Sebastian Sdaigui.
Who would be your ideal co-star and why?
I would love to work on a project with my friend and actress Mathilde Dehaye. We met in acting school and produced a play together a few months ago in New York. She is a great actress and I love working with her, exploring scenes and characters. She makes it challenging and very creative. Also, is it cheesy to say Angelina Jolie? She is a very powerful woman, working with her would be very exciting.
What are your plans for the future?
When I am finished with the shooting in San Francisco, I’d like to able to finish the play I started writing a year ago. And then… The next step will be defined by where I am and who I meet.
What is your advice to aspiring performers?
Work hard, Challenge yourself, Have fun 🙂