Jenn Gotzon, Doonby, Summer Night of Short Films, Egyptian Theatre, RealTVfilms
Jenn Gotzon lead of the new film to be released “Doonby” also starring – John Schneider, Ernie Hudson, Robert Davi, Joe Estevez came out to support her filmmaker friends from “Skip Listening” one of the [...]
Adolfo Bejarano, CEO "Mesoestetic USA" , Collagen 360 line Product Launch, Secret Room Events
Adolfo Bejarano, CEO “Mesoestetic USA” explains the new product launch of Callagen 360 line. The Collagen 360 line are effective because unlike other anti-agin skin care products, this line enriches with Marine Collagen within the [...]
Shelly Floyd, Shanna Hemperley, Sherree Harrell, Vitale Skin, Green Skincare, Secret Room Events, MTV Movie Awards Gifting Suite
Shelly Floyd, Shanna Hemperley, Sherree Harrell Vitale Skin is the first and only company to harness wheatgrass in a professional, simple to use, 3 step skincare line that targets acne, oily, congested, combination and sensitive [...]
Gary Klavans, Graeme Finlayson, Ghost Light Pictures, Bayberry Lane Entertainment, After Party – Summer Night of Short Films, Egyptian Hollywood
Gary K. Klavans founder of Bayberry Lane Entertainment and Graeme Finlayson founder of Ghost Light Pictures, work together on the film Diamond Confidential, presented during the Summer Night of Short Films, Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood
Strategic Partners Make Indie Production Possible, Pro HD Rentals, Bob Bekian, Paul Rodriguez
Paul Rodriguez partners with Bob Bekian , President of Pro HD Rentals for a Sizzle Reel to pitch to MTV’s Latin channel tr3‘s. The familiar challenge for all show developers soon became apparent to Rodriguez [...]