Jonathan Yunger, Avi Lerner's Right Hand Man, Millennium Films, Interview with RealTVfilms Traci Stumpf

2020-06-20T00:09:24+00:00March 17th, 2013|Jonathan Yunger, Public Relations|

Jonathan Yunger known as Avi Lerner’s right hand man gives RealTVfilms Host Traci Stumpf the scoop on his young career at Millennium Films, Nu Image Films and the upcoming release of “Olympus Has Fallen” starring [...]

Stuart Brazell , Stefanie Seifer, Dirty and Thirty Music Video

2020-06-20T00:07:48+00:00December 2nd, 2012|Public Relations|

Stuart Brazell , Stefanie Seifer, Dirty and Thirty Music Video Stuart Brazell , Stefanie Seifer, Dirty and Thirty Music Video, originally uploaded by Real TV Films. Via Flickr: Stuart Brazell , Stefanie Seifer, Dirty and [...]