What is Dance Jazzo? Yasha Jacob Michelson would define it as Dance biomechanics, which is basically how the body moves in all styles of dance. He may always mention that the Dance Jazzo slogan is aesthetic resistance to gravity and he would know because he developed Dance Jazzo after years of dancing and studying all styles of dance. Yasha has taken extracts, or the most common ingredients among each form of dance and combined them carefully to develop a new Dance Jazzo technique, which he calls ‘dance without technique’. He claims that he does not teach people to dance, he teaches people to listen to music with their body as well as how to paint with their body.
From this, he has developed even more refined versions of Dance Jazzo, like Jazzo in Slow Motion -meditative aerobics, Jazzo non-stop fitness & workout and also Theater Jazzo, a dance biomechanics performance ensemble. In addition to all of the above, Yasha has created a Jazzo Bodysophy, which is a simplified physical & mental health optimization scheme based on adaptation of dance biomechanics to daily lifestyle. Yasha claims that Jazzo is an open source where everybody has a personal dance style and therefore, Jazzo is actually a dance activity. He recommends when beginning to explore Dance Jazzo in slow motion -meditative aerobics which combines working out with the concept of meditating or concentrating the mind while in motion.
He caters this type of dynamic meditation to people with intense minds and intense lifestyles that are in need of relaxation without stopping or with the need to stop and continue running. His weekly event ‘Vibration of eternity’ is an open space dancing activity for all people that want to explore and enjoy their personal dance technique while engaged in workout and fitness activity. He always mentions that Dance is the only physical form of art and when people come to dance at his studio on Sundays, it is actually ‘going out and working out’ which saves a lot of time combining all of this into one activity.
Yasha is one of those rare people who has remained an artist in everything he does. He has studied photography, fine art, dance of course, wrestling (yes, I said wrestling) and filmmaking. He doesn’t succeed at everything, but he certainly tries – he triumphs in astonishing ways when he sets his mind to something. His first feature film won the Prix Regards Jeune at the Cannes Film Festival and his Dance Jazzo has an established home, the Mimoda Studio where he teaches all of his Jazzo dance techniques and where he and his students and staff rehearse, train and put on warmly received dance exhibitions for the public.
This man, Yasha Jacob Michelson, is a renaissance man, to say the least. Whatever he touches, virtually turns to gold. Whenever he begins to focus on a new concept he breaks new grounds with his discoveries that no one else has even thought of yet. His Dance Jazzo has been a wonderful gift to his students. All you have to do is look at their faces on his website to see that they are happy, healthy and ready to dance – or should we say, ready to live their life to the fullest! When Yasha developed Dance Jazzo he bought the legendary Dancers’ Studio in Los Angeles and made it into his own Mimoda Studio, where all his dancing and theater directing takes place. It didn’t take long before the studio was filled with people who loved the new methods of dancing that provided meditative focus and health optimization systems all in one process. Dance Jazzo, like Yasha Jacob Michelson is a wonder of the modern world.
For more information, go to:
www.dancejazzo.org and for theater http://mimodajazzo.com/